The sessions in detail

The speakers in detail

Tuesday September 27, 2022

09:0009:30RefreshmentRegistration & Coffee
09:3009:45PlenaryWelcome & Opening Remarks
09:4510:45PlenaryThe challenges and lessons of reporting the pandemic
11:1512:15Parallel: Skills and tools
Lessons from a pandemic: how journalists navigated the weird world of work during COVID-19
11:1512:15Parallel: Trends and innovationCOVID, scientists and science journalists
12:1513:15Parallel: Skills and toolsTrust, sensemaking and science – research insights for science writers
12:1513:15Parallel: Trends and innovationWho gets to tell the story? Diversity in science journalism
13:1514:15RefreshmentLunch - including 'Meet the Editors' 
14:1515:15Parallel: Skills and toolsLessons from the best on science video making
14:1515:15Parallel: Trends and innovationCombating scientific misinformation in the social media age - a success story
15:1516:15Parallel: Skills and toolsThe investigative journalism toolkit
15:1516:15Parallel: Trends and innovationScience Writer Dragons Den
16:4517:00PlenaryAnnouncement of winners: Science writer Dragons Den & closing remarks before final plenary
17:0018:00PlenarySpike: The Virus vs. The People - the Inside Story
18:0019:30RefreshmentEvening Reception 

The Association of British Science Writers is registered in England and Wales under company number 07376343 at 76 Glebe Lane, Barming, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 9BD.
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