Bookings close at 17:00 on Monday October 7, 2024

Don't miss the ABSW's UK Conference of Science Journalists - UKCSJ24 - the biennial conference that provides science journalists and writers with a unique opportunity for professional development and networking.

Tuesday October 15, 2024, 09:00 - 18:00 followed by an evening networking event.

The Francis Crick Institute, London

Registration starts at just £30 for freelance journalists.  You can attend in person or online by booking your ticket below. Pricing is the same whether you attend in person or online - you will be asked to indicate if you are attending in person or online as part of your booking.

All ticket prices are inclusive of VAT.

Diversity Scholarships were available for application until the end of July 2024. 

Find out more about the UKCSJ24

Why not join the ABSW to receive a discount on your UKCSJ24 ticket and all the other benefits of membership?

Join now

All ticket prices below are inclusive of VAT

With thanks to our partners who make the UKCSJ24 possible:

EurekAlert! Lead Professional Development Partner

UK Research and Innovation, Gold Partner, Excellence in Science & Technology Journalism

LifeArc, Silver Partner, Excellence in Science & Technology Journalism

Yakult, Bronze Partner, Excellence in Science & Technology Journalism

Book tickets

Ticket Cost Quantity
ABSW Full/Associate/Life Member £75.00 Members only
ABSW Partner £75.00
ABSW Student Member £30.00 Members only
Freelance Journalist (Members and non-members) £30.00
Non Member £175.00
Non Member (Student) £40.00
Speaker/Chair/Staff/Invited Guest Free

You must be logged in as a member to book member tickets. Become a member.

Already a member? Log in or create an account.

The Association of British Science Writers is registered in England and Wales under company number 07376343 at 76 Glebe Lane, Barming, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 9BD.
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