Eurekalert! now provides access to its news service for student reporters, journalism students, interns, and fellowship recipients.
“To demonstrate our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in science journalism, we’ve updated our policy to include student reporters from campus outlets among the roles eligible for EurekAlert! journalist membership”, said Seth Rose, Editorial Content Manager at EurekAlert! who oversees the journalist-membership application process.
In a blog to launch the new service for student reporters, EurekAlert! explains this expanded eligibility policy aligns with their ongoing mission to foster quality science journalism that is more inclusive, accessible, and attainable for all. It is an effort to give aspiring journalists hands-on practice in the science news ecosystem and help prepare them for a successful professional career. That's why Eurekalert! is also launching a new webinar series for its members.
The monthly webinar series is open to all journalist members and is required for all new student journalists (sign up here). The first webinar, “Embargoes 101” is dedicated to the embargo system and rules Eurekalert! members should follow when accessing and using embargoed content.
If you want to access support, resources, training, and other benefits from ABSW, consider joining as a member.
EurekAlert! is ABSW's Lead Professional Development Partner.
Applicants (student reporters and journalism students, interns, and fellowship-recipients will need to:
- Digitally sign an agreement to abide by EurekAlert!’s embargo policy, as all EurekAlert! members must do;
- Provide confirmation from a professor, editor, or other departments/faculty supervisors that they are engaged in journalism for their institutions publication.
- Attend EurekAlert!’s Embargoes 101 webinar for a short virtual training session on press embargoes and their role in scientific publishing and news reporting.
If you have any questions contact EurekAlert!