Here is your chance to help shape the future of our profession, by representing the Association of British Science Writers with the Creators’ Rights Alliance (CRA). We are looking for a volunteer to act as the ABSW’s spokesperson with the CRA. You will serve an important role in the science writing and journalism community. This will put you at the heart of our network, including building a vital link between the ABSW board and CRA.  

The CRA is a collective that exists to promote, protect and further the interests of creators through policy, advocacy, and campaigning work. It currently speaks on behalf of organisations and trade unions representing over 350,000 creators on policy issues as diverse as fairer contract terms and working conditions to copyright and intellectual property. We’d like you to attend meetings with the CRA on the ABSW’s behalf, at least their AGM, and ensure that they properly represent our interests.

Email [email protected] now to discuss taking on this vital role in our community.

The Association of British Science Writers is registered in England and Wales under company number 07376343 at 76 Glebe Lane, Barming, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 9BD.
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